Even the most expensive ergonomic chairs can provide only comfort and the ability to position your body correctly, but a long stay without movement causes many negative consequences.

Therefore, when arranging a workplace at a computer, one should take into account many factors and requirements, which we will now consider.

What is the correct posture when working at a computer

Some experts believe that bad posture, chronic neck and back pain, problems with intervertebral discs and others are the result of a sedentary lifestyle.

How to properly sit at the computer.

  • Postural support using a chair with a back and headrest or balancing on a saddle chair or deep-seated chair.
  • Placement of the monitor according to the viewing angle. A comfortable chair should correspond to the height of the user so that the eyes are directed directly at the monitor. The greater the angle of inclination of the head, the greater the load is created on the neck-shoulder, thoracic or lumbar region.
  • Neutral position of arms and legs, optimal elbow and knee angles to avoid back pain and the occurrence of tunnel syndrome. The best position for the elbows is to form an angle of 90-100°, and for the knees - 100-110°, like a car driver.

In addition to ensuring good well-being and maintaining health, correct sitting allows you to increase work productivity, promote creativity and reduce work stress.

Ergonomic chair as a preventive measure for back and neck pain

Advantages of an ergonomic chair:

  • height adjustment avoids lower back pain;
  • the headrest allows you to reduce the load on the neck and shoulders and activate the muscles of the body when sitting for a long time;
  • correctly selected stiffness of the chair guarantees a comfortable fit;
  • the static load on the intervertebral discs decreases;
  • ensuring optimal blood circulation in the lower back.

Observing the rules of sitting at the computer and purchasing ergonomic furniture allow you to solve many health problems both now and in the future.

Work while standing at an ergonomic desk

A great solution for providing comfortable conditions for working at the computer and solving back problems can be the arrangement of the workplace with the possibility of changing the position of the body. Alternating sitting and standing postures can provide movement, which will reduce the development of hypodynamia and its consequences, as well as significantly increase work efficiency.

Therefore, in addition to an ergonomic chair, you should also have an ergonomic table with height adjustment to ensure a comfortable position during work.


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